Friday, April 3, 2009

Penny for your thoughts

What would our world be like if Picasso or Rembrandt or Van Gogh could not have paint? What if Mozart had not had access to a violin or piano, Shakespeare no pen, paper or the ability to write? All evolved culture has defined itself through art. Museums display exhibits of civilisations past where we find art and paintings and sculptures and writings and letters and beautifully hand crafted pieces of furniture.

Today the majority of artists can not live from their art. Hordes of actors, musicians, painters go out into the world to get the day job that allows them to feed themselves and their families but kills their creativity. Ah the catch 22 of it.

Farmers have this great thing it is a tax credit just for being a farmer. The government recognises that being a farmer is hard and important so they give them a break right up front. No such thing exists for artists yet would we survive a day without art? Furthermore half the time people think we spend our time doing nothing. People don’t realise that if you have managed to scrape an existence in this world as an artist then you must be good at something. There are many who don’t manage and are very good in art but not in business.

Not so long ago I was sitting at the bar having a drink on my break with my accompanist and the bartender. We were chatting about the artist thing. My companion pointed out that we could do his job tomorrow but it would take years of practice for him to step into our jobs. People heard music and gathered around. We played requests. We kept the patrons entertained. Yet at the end of the night chances are the bartender went home with more in his pockets than we did.

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